Saturday, October 27, 2012

Color Wheel Eyes

A upper-elementary project combining Art, Science, 
and even Math!

My 4th and 5th grade students enjoyed this project. They all were quite successful with it!

We spent one art class learning a little about the human eye. Students learned to identify the sclera (the white part of the eye), the iris, and the pupil. We also discussed the lines and shapes of the eye lid, brow, and lashes. We started drawing an enlarged eye by tracing a circle stencil I made from tagboard. Since we were going to do a color wheel on the iris, I wanted students to start with a good circle that was the same for everyone. I guided students in sketching out the rest of the eye.

The next class we spent some time dividing the circle of the iris into 12 sections. We had a bit of a math lesson on fractions during this process. Some of my classes were better at it than others, but all accomplished what they needed to do. We also reviewed how Primary colors mixed to make Secondary and then Intermediate colors. We lightly marked out what color went where on the color wheel and I demonstrated mixing and painting the color wheel in the iris.

The following art class most students were able to complete painting the color wheel and most of the black painting. A few finishing touches were added the first 10-15 minutes of the next class before we started our next project.

Here are a few finished student examples - 


  1. Excellent! I love all the color wheel variations that are around at the moment - this is one of the best! Elizabeth - Dream Painters:)

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I agree there are a lot of color wheels out there. The students really seemed interested in it and that is what matters most!

  2. These are very cool! Very original idea! Love the connection to science- STEM to STEAM. :)

    1. Thanks! We've got to push that A into all we can - STEAM most definitely!

  3. That's such a neat idea! I haven't ever had my students make color wheels in my class (even though the exercise of mixing secondary and tertiary colors is really beneficial) because I want every art project to be beautiful. This combines important color theory with a clever art project; great job :).

    1. Thanks Jessica! Simple mixing of a color wheel can be a great exercise for students, but it can be boring for them. I'm so glad this idea worked out. They are all very proud of the results.

  4. what size did you do this on? Love this!!

    1. Hello, I was wondering what kind of paint you used for this project? Thanks for sharing, they look great. :)

  5. Amazing- absolutely love this original take on the colour wheel.
