I try to allow all my students Kindergarten through 6th grade the chance to work with clay at least once every year. Some years it's harder than others because of time or lack of supplies. So far this year I have done a clay project with most of my students - still have a few grade levels to go.
I decided to do clay monsters with my Second Grade classes. The monster is based on a pinch pot - and most of my students by 2nd grade have created a pinch pot before - so it seemed like a good idea. They responded to the project very enthusiastically.
On clay construction day we quickly reviewed how to create a simple pinch pot. Then turned it on it's side so that the opening became a mouth. I showed students how to change the shape to reflect what they wanted their monster's mouth to look like. Then the additions of other details began to happen. We reviewed needing to slip and score to attach clay to clay. We used a toothbrush dipped in water to accomplish this.

After the first firing, we glazed our monsters with lots of color. Students we loving being able to add color to their creations. As they worked on glazing I encouraged them to come up with a story about their monster. What was the monster's name? Where did it live? What did it like to do?
When monsters were glazed fired we created a paper diorama to give our monsters an environment to reside in.
I think this project was a success and will definitely do it again!

Kids cheer when I tell them they will be working in clay. I cheer on the inside. jan